HomeKonflict - Trigger Universal Conflict (Compact Disc)
Konflict - Trigger Universal Conflict (Compact Disc)
Konflict - Trigger Universal Conflict (Compact Disc)
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Konflict - Trigger Universal Conflict (Compact Disc)

Product Description

The obscenely violent machinations of Sri Lankan noise terror trio, Konflict, continue to writhe in the undiluted chaos that is their new EP, Trigger Universal Conflict. Melding ear drum piercing harsh noise frequencies, utmost savage salvos of drum blasts, malefic black metal discord, and guttural, inhuman snarls, Konflict promulgate a blood curdling retaliation against their homeland’s perpetual degeneration. A sound that is so uncompromising, you can feel the boiling ire scourge within every note of noise. Embrace the sweltering amalgam that is Trigger Universal Conflict and revel in its entropy.


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